Thursday, June 5, 2008

He's the MAN! He's my SUPER DAD!

He's here.
He's now.
He's bigger than life!

(Just don't expect him to do anything when he's holding the remote controller)

(click on image to enlarge and download)

All Super Dad needs a super Gizmo.
This is just perfect for him.

(click on image to enlarge and download)

10km run. I bet it can't be harder than this....!

Enter the VIAGRA 10km run.
I bet you, nothing else is HARDER than this.
Well, it'll take at least 1hr for the warm up.
It'll be like a walk in the park to you... the pro.
But our seniors will have a very STIFF competition, for sure.
Hope they make it at the final spurt!

P.s: No puns intended! He He He

(click on image to enlarge and download)

You can't be THAT stupid!!!??

I may looked decent.
I may looked like a nerd, but I know something that you don't.
You're a BLOODY IDIOT and you don't even know it.

(click on image to enlarge and download)

Salah ngorat, dok!

Ko ingat senang ke nak ngorat dia.
Kalu poket kempis, ko pi ngorat ler orang laen.
Harap muka jer hensem... pi mampos ler....

(click on image to enlarge and download)

Check out my magic wand!!!

Really, I've got this magic wand that can make all your worries and sorrow go away.
But it'll bring new set of problem, though.
So, please use it sparingly.

(click on image to enlarge and download)

Awas Mat Skodeng?!!

This is for my malay fans out there!
This request is specially for Mat Skodeng asking for some malay design.
Enjoy, bro!

(Click on image to enlarge and download)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Channel your anger elsewhere!

I was kinda moody today. Something's bugging me and I really can't get it out of my system.
I need to channel my frustration and anger somewhere. No! I'm not gonna go to war and bomb some third world country. Someone already beat me to it and he's an ugly idiot.
So, here's something for you people out there.
You may add some fancy, angry phrases to it.

( Click on image to enlarge and download )

Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm not a girl, not yet a pornstar....

You gotta gimme some respect, girlfriend!
I'm gonna be a famous pornstar.
And I'm gonna die young bcoz of S.T.I !!

(click on image to enlarge and download)

I'm not a boy, not yet a rockstar

You gotta gimme some respect, man!
I'm gonna be a famous rockstar.
And I'm gonna die young bcoz of drug overdoze!!

(click on image to enlarge and download)

Guitar Gods?

Someone emailed me this image to share here.
So here it is.
This one sure looks good on a plain white tee.

(click on image to enlarge & download)

You gotta love this blowjob!

(click image to enlarge & download)

I love sax! It's sexy, smooth and cool.
It's a hard blowjob....
but if you do it well,
it's an aural stimulation.

I'm a cat lover...

Hey! How can anyone eat a cat?
I can never eat them.
I love them too much.

(click image to enlarge & download)

But I love a shaved pussy!!
They smell kinda nice, too!

This is soooooo GAY!

(click image to enlarge & download)

I got no 'Smart' comment on this.
If you like it, take it.
If you don't, you are soooo GAY!

Hey! Don't be rude!

Didn't your mum told you not to be rude to others.
Why can't you be nice for once.
Tell them something that they'll feel good about.

(click image to enlarge & download)

There's a nicer word for ASS...

Don't they sounds good to you?
Reminded me of the movie "Gladiator".

If you can't kneel to me, at least bend down.
I'd love to kick your GLUTEUS MAXIMUS!

The real Sin

(click image to enlarge & download)

Please help prevent global warming.
Don't FART, you baboons !!!

Gothic / Emo stuff

(click image to enlarge & download)

I guess this one suits you best, you EMO FREAKS. Just don't kill yourself over this image. I won't be held responsible for it.

A Picture tells a thousand words??

I don't think this one needs that much words to convey the message. I just needs three. Its either you know it or you don't. Pick and choose. Just don't take the wrong ones. Well, you know yourself better.

(click image to enlarge & download)