Thursday, May 31, 2007

So you want to help a buddy, eh?!!

Hey! Let me thank you in advance for your generosity. With your donation, at least I can continue to blog and provide more FREE & GOOD stuff for you.

Like everybody else, I too got bills to pay and need to put food on the table. You may donate any amount that you think I'm worth, and I'll forever be grateful to you.

No obligation, though. All the stuff in here will still be free for you even if you decide not to donate.

So, click the button below if you wish to donate

Hey! Thank you, Buddy!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mizzy,
great work u do here. I've used some of the design for my t-shirt business. I've donated some money to you so that you can do more quality design work. Keep it up, man!

Anonymous said...

Hi there MIZZY,
I enjoyed your work thoroughly but I don't have the means to donate for the time being. I'll definitely consider very soon. Anyhow, keep up the good work!!