I'm kinda tired of answering this unnecessary question
by the female species that goes like this:-
"Sayang, does this dress makes me look fat?"
What's the best answer can you give?
"Yeah! Since you mention it, this dress does makes you look fat!"
"No, honey. You look fantastic!"
Guess what? She'll never believe your comment.
Damn if you do. Damn if you don't.
This gives me an idea for this T-shirt design.
Either way.... you're safe.
(click on image to enlarge and download)
Hey! This even looks good on those would-be-model
who's a bit shy to tell the world he/she
got a body you can drool over.
haha i tell u, there're MORE SIMILIAR questions like this.... if u're free you can make a whole list of them and post it here haha
hey there,
a good one - Fit And Trim
i like that.
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